NBA Player stats dashboard v1.0

March 19, 2018

Have you ever had that feeling that you really need another dashboard with NBA player’s data in your life?

Me neither.

Well, actually, I had! So I developed one! You can find it here

All data collected using NBAr package - check it out here!

I use it mostly for analysis I do and I found it is actually useful tool to access player’s data easily - I tried to keep as much information in one place as I could so I don’t have to jump around pages and filters like I need on

I called it version 1.0 because I plan to build more stuff on it and make some tweaks in the future so I will show even bigger picture. So far it contains:

Left hand filter panel:

In that panel you can select

  • Season (can be multiple, but full data is from 2015)
  • Player (by default I set Al Horford, since everybody likes him)
  • Date range (updated on season)
  • Opponents team in a very nice grid
  • Drag and drop Stat selection, which is definately a highlight of this panel (also it is not working on mobile)

There is also switch for per36/per48/perGame data, for daily numbers it is no use. (planning to put monthly and seasonal numbers in close future).

Players Summary tab:

Show daily data and general distribution for statistics specified on the left hand panel. Bar chart has daily values, rolling mean and cumulated mean.

Location/Opponent tab:

Presents boxplots for Home/Away and Opponent splits. Useful to check how players performs in different situations.


Classic tab contains players shotcharts for values specified in both left side panel and shots panel. Grid has all shots, points distribution, player’s efficiency and leaguess efficiency.

Interactive plot is a big shotchart with interactive area (still looking for proper use case though..)

Game logs:

That’s just a table with numbers

Top players:

Leagues top players sorted in given category. It’s very fast ranking tool.

Possible extensions:

  • Adding monthly and seasonal data
  • Adds players bio with photo and team
  • Team tab (that’s huge one)
  • Finding a good use for interactive shotchart
  • Player comparison option
  • Lineups and matchups data

Dashboard still needs proper tests so if you find it useful or interesting please write to me on Twitter or send me an email. I welcome any feedback on it!