NBAr 2.0 is here!

December 3, 2019

Christmas came early this year! Woohoo!

Happy to officially announce NBAr 2.0 update

(that is available on github for some time now…)

List of significant changes:

  • NBA’s api became really unstable if it’s called without referall, so it the readr::read_lines had to be replaced with httr::GET
  • Old code sometimes looked really bad and I felt bad because of it
  • To keep it consistent, most of the dependencies is on Tidyverse packages
  • functions_and_argument_names_are_finally_in_snake_case !!!
  • Followed best practices about package dependencies (no requires!)
  • Added verbose argument to every function to print out the url and glimpse the dataset - it’s especially useful if you are downloading many games at once
  • Provided proper data types changes to columns and arguments (no more dreary “2017”)
  • game_id is now integer and doesn’t require 00 before proper id
  • get_hustle is old get_hustle_boxscore (I find boxscores much easier to use)
  • playtypes and tracking are now working flawlessly due to referral trick


  • get_all_tracking
  • get_boxscore
  • get_defense
  • get_general
  • get_hustle
  • get_lineups
  • get_matchups
  • get_news
  • get_on_off
  • get_playbyplay
  • get_playbyplay2
  • get_player_movement
  • get_playerbio
  • get_players
  • get_playtype
  • get_rotowire_status
  • get_schedule
  • get_shooting
  • get_shooting_dashboard
  • get_shotchart
  • get_team_boxscore
  • get_tracking


    season <- 2018
    gamelist<- c(21800001:21800003)
    game_id = 21800001
    ### Boxscores:
     traditional <- map(gamelist, ~get_boxscore(.,boxscore_type = 'traditional')) %>% 
            compact() %>%  
    ### Matchups 
     matchup <- get_matchups(game_id)
    ### Play by play:
     pbp1 <- map(gamelist, ~get_playbyplay(.)) %>% compact() %>%  bind_rows()
     pbp2 <- map(gamelist, ~get_playbyplay2(.)) %>% compact() %>%  bind_rows()
    ### Lineups:
     lineups <- get_lineups(season,5,'Base')
     bulls_lineups <- get_lineups(season,5,'Base', team_id = 1610612741)
    ### On/Off court:
     onoff_bulls <- get_on_off(season,1610612741)
    ### Players list
     players <- get_players(season)
     player_bio <- get_playerbio(season)
    ### Shotcharts
     shots_abrines <- get_shotchart(203518, season)
    ### Schedule
     schedule <- get_schedule(season)
    ### Tracking data
      tracking = get_tracking(season, 'Team', measure_type = 'Defense')
    ### Playtype data
      playtype <- get_playtype(season, 'T',  'Postup')
    ### Defense data
      defense <- get_defense(season, 'Team', 'Overall')
    ### General data
      general <- get_general(season, type = 'Team', 'Base')
    ### Hustle data
      hustle <- get_hustle(21800001)
    ### Shooting data
      shooting <- get_shooting(season, 'Team', "By+Zone", "Base")