NBAr - scrape NBA data from API
There was never a better time to be NBA, R and data analysis fan. Might be not the most useful tool nor the most exciting, but NBAr contains set of wrapper functions for downloading and simple processing of data from API.
Over the last year functions contained in NBAr package helped my write my master thesis and also couple of blog posts on this site. Before I finally start writing more frequently I decided to finish the package and upload it on github so everyone can see it, use it, give feedback or contribute. Over the last year I have been slooowly working on functions contained in NBAr package
To install
if (!require("devtools"))
Example script
Script below enables you to get almost every table from I have been using it for a long time to create my own local data directories:
season <- "2017"
gamelist<- paste("00",as.character(c(21700001:21701230)),sep="")
### Boxscores:
traditional <- map(gamelist, ~getBoxscore(.,Type = 'traditional')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_rows()
advanced <- map(gamelist, ~getBoxscore(.,Type = 'advanced')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_rows()
playertrack <- map(gamelist, ~getBoxscore(.,Type = 'playertrack')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_rows()
### Play by play:
playbyplay <- map(gamelist, ~getPlaybyplay(.)) %>% compact() %>% bind_rows()
### Lineups:
lineups <- getLineups(2017,5,'Base')
bulls_lineups <- getLineups(2017,5,'Base', TeamID = 1610612741)
### On/Off court:
onoff_bulls <- getOnOff(2017,1610612741)
### Players list
players <- getPlayerlist(season)
playerBio <- getPlayerBio(season)
playerslist <- unique(players$PLAYER_ID)
### Shotcharts
shots <- map(playerslist, ~getShotchart(.,Season = season)) %>%
compact() %>% bind_rows()
### Schedule
schedule <- getSchedule(season)
### Tracking data
MeasureType <- c("Drives","Defense","CatchShoot","Passing",
tracking <- map(MeasureType, ~getTracking(.,Season = season, Type = 'Team')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_cols()
### Playtype data
Playtype <- c("Postup","Transition","Isolation","PRBallHandler",
plays <- map(Playtype, ~getPlaytype(.,Season = season, Type = 'Team')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_cols()
### Defense data
DefenseCategory <- c("Overall","3+Pointers","2+Pointers",
defense <- map(DefenseCategory, ~getDefense(.,Season = season, Type = 'Team')) %>%
compact() %>% bind_cols()
### General data
MeasureType <- c("Base","Advanced","Misc","Scoring",
"Usage","Opponent","Defense", "Four+Factors")
general <- map(MeasureType, ~getGeneral(.,Season = season, Type = 'Team')) %>%
compact() %>%
### Hustle data
hustle <- getHustle(season, Type = Type)
### Shooting data
shooting <- getShooting(season, Type, "By+Zone", "Base")